Art Series

Ingrid Bolton

Lines Of De-limitation | 2018 - 2020
Ingrid Bolton | Lines of de-limitation

Amien and Bolton are both previous Sasol New Signatures competition winners, have been sharing a studio in Salt River, Cape Town, since the completion of their Master of Fine Arts degrees at the University of Cape Town’s Michaelis School of Fine Art.

The title of this collection, LINES OF DE-LIMITATION, actively refers to the metaphorical presence of lines or limits in both bodies of work: whether referring to high levels of unemployment, or disastrous events due to climate change, the refracted line of heat resulting from protest fires and the warming of the globe can no longer be denied.

This exhibition focuses on these lines and makes them visual. The work, which is essentially a form of protest art, becomes quietly confrontational in this regard.

Ingrid Bolton | Lines of de-limitation
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